I was originally going to start with introducing oldest to youngest, but since DJ had to have a procedure with urology today, I decided to start with my fearless boy. DJ is 3 and has absolutely no fear. He was a quiet baby who I called "my watcher baby" because he would just watch everything with little interaction. Very few words spoken until age 2. Honestly, I was worried that he would be non-verbal. It's terrifying thinking that your child wouldn't be able to talk to you. As of March of this year, DJ has been officially diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorder with immediate and delayed echolalia. He is an eloper with an attraction to water (which is a whole other type of fear that I have never felt before), so we use Project Lifesaver to give us a little peace of mind.
Another thing about my boy... he has a solitary kidney! I didn't know this was even a possibility. We found out during our first appointment with a urologist. DJ had been referred to them because he had been withholding going to the bathroom and we were worried about the possibility of a kidney infection. The missing kidney was "found" during a routine ultrasound. Total bombshell! Adding to this, there is a cyst on the remaining kidney. Fortunately, it is a simple cyst that is just going to be monitored for right now.

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