Sickness and Special Needs

Published on 26 November 2024 at 11:52

Kids being sick is a rough time for any parent. Adding special needs on top of that is exhausting! It feels like my kids have been sick since October. However, the newest round has just been the last couple of weeks.

All four kids ended up with an upper respiratory infection and conjunctivitis. The eye infection is pretty gross, not gonna lie. But between the amount of coughing and mucus these kids are producing... we are over it! Fevers, lack of appetite, clinging to mom, extra whines, struggle sleeping. That list just goes on. But we don't talk about it! I think, as a mom of special needs, we don't really talk about how over done we are. We just keep going.

Thanksgiving is in two days but there is no way we will be all better by then. Sierra and Andy are on the mend and no longer contagious, but DJ is at the worst of it right now. Gracie just really started signs a couple of days ago and hasn't had the high fever yet. So going to a family get-together is likely not going to happen. Hosting it is even less likely! We missed last year due to illness, also, so we were looking forward to getting together with family. Even if it was going to be stressful and overstimulating, we enjoy ourselves when we get to see family.

I hope everyone else has a great holiday weekend and enjoys time with friends and family!

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